Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja NK, Ayuke FO and Lehmann J 2020 Dominant tree species and earthworms affect soil aggregation and carbon content along a soil degradation gradient in an agricultural landscape. Geoderma 359, published online doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.113983.
Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja NK, Ayuke FO and Lehmann J 2020 Short-term casting activity of earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Oligochaeta: Glossoscolecidae) after biochar additions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 143, 107736.
Torres-Rojas D, Hestrin R, Solomon D, Gillespie AW, Dynes JJ, Regier TZ and Lehmann J 2020 Nitrogen speciation and transformations in fire-derived organic matter. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 276, 179-185.
Fungo B, Chen Z, Tenywa M, Neufeldt H, Butterbach-Bahl K, Dannenmann M, Braojos V, Lehmann J, Kolar A, Saiz G, Kalbitz K and Rittl T 2019 Nitrogen turnover and N2O/N2 ratio of three contrasting tropical soils amended with biochar. Geoderma 348, 12-20.
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Thionģo M, Tenywa M, Okeyo I and Neufeldt H 2019 Ammonia and nitrous oxide emissions from a field Ultisol amended with tithonia green manure, urea, and biochar. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55, 135–148.
Guerena DT, Lehmann J, Thies JE, Vanek S, Karanja N and Neufeldt H 2019 Nodulation of beans with inoculant carriers from pyrolyzed and non-pyrolyzed sugarcane bagasse in response to different pre-planting water availability. Applied Soil Ecology 143, 126-133.
Kamau S, Karanja NK, Ayuke FO and Lehmann J 2019 Short-term influence of biochar and fertilizer-biochar blends on soil nutrients, fauna and maize growth. Biology and Fertility of Soils 55, 661–673.
Krounbi L, Enders A, van Es H, Woolf D, van Herzen B and Lehmann J 2019 Biological and thermochemical conversion of human solid waste to soil amendments. Waste Management 89, 366–378.
Torres-Rojas D, Deng L, Shannon L, Fisher EM, Joseph S and Lehmann J 2019 Carbon and nitrogen emissions rates and heat transfer of an indirect pyrolysis biomass cookstove. Biomass and Bioenergy 127, 105279.
Dai Z, Enders A, de Rodrigues JLM, Hanley KL, Brookes PC, Xu J and Lehmann J 2018 Soil fungal taxonomic and functional community composition as affected by biochar properties. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 126, 159-167.
Deng L, Torres-Rojas D, Burford M, Whitlow TH, Lehmann J and Fisher EM 2018 Fuel sensitivity of biomass cookstove performance. Applied Energy 215, 13-20.
Krounbi L, van Es H, Karanja N and Lehmann J 2018 Nitrogen and phosphorus availability of biologically and thermochemically decomposed human wastes and urine in soils with different texture and pH. Soil Science 183, 51–65.
Dai Z, Webster TM, Enders A, Hanley K, Xu J, Thies JE and Lehmann J 2017 DNA extraction efficiency from soil as affected by pyrolysis temperature and extractable organic carbon of high-ash biochar. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 115, 129-136.
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Thionģo M, Okeyo I, Tenywa M and Neufeldt H 2017 Aggregate size distribution in a biochar-amended tropical Ultisol under conventional hand-hoe tillage. Soil and Tillage Research 165, 190-197.
Fungo B, Lehmann J, Kalbitz K, Tenywa M, Thionģo M and Neufeldt H 2017 Emissions intensity and carbon stocks of a tropical Ultisol after amendment with Tithonia green manure, urea and biochar. Field Crops Research 209, 179-188.
Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja NK, Ayuke FO and Lehmann J 2017 Soil macrofauna abundance under dominant tree species increases along a soil degradation gradient. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 112, 35-46.
Kamau S, Barrios E, Karanja NK, Ayuke FO and Lehmann J 2017 Spatial variation of soil macrofauna and nutrients in tropical agricultural systems influenced by historical charcoal production in South Nandi, Kenya. Applied Soil Ecology 119, 286-293.
Woolf D, Lehmann J, Joseph S, Campbell C, Christo FC and Angenent LT 2017 An open source biomass pyrolysis reactor. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 11, 945–954.
Guerena D, Kimetu J, Riha S, Neufeldt H and Lehmann J 2016 Maize productivity dynamics in response to mineral nutrient additions and legacy organic soil inputs of contrasting quality. Field Crops Research 188, 113–120.
Molitor B, Richter H, Martin ME, Jensen RO, Juminaga A, Mihalcea C, Angenent LT 2016 Carbon recovery by fermentation of CO-rich off gases – turning steel mills into biorefineries. Bioresource Technology 215, 386-396.
Richter H*, Molitor B*, Wei H, Chen W, Aristilde L and Angenent LT 2016 Ethanol production in syngas-fermenting Clostridium ljungdahlii is controlled by thermodynamics rather than by enzyme expression. Energy and Environmental Science 9, 2392-2399.
Vanek S, Thies J, Wang B, Hanley K and Lehmann J 2016 Pore-size and water activity effects on survival of Rhizobium tropici in biochar inoculant. Journal of Microbial and Biochemical Technology 8, 4.
Wang B, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Hestrin R and Enders A 2016 Ammonium retention by oxidized biochars produced at different pyrolysis temperatures and residence times. Royal Society of Chemistry Advances 6, 41907-41913.
Woolf D, Lehmann J and Lee D 2016 Optimal bioenergy power generation for climate change mitigation with or without carbon sequestration. Nature Communications 7, 13160.
Dharmakeerthi RS, Hanley K, Whitman T, Woolf D and Lehmann J 2015 Organic carbon dynamics in soils with pyrogenic organic matter that received plant residue additions over seven years. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 88, 268-274.
Guerena D, Lehmann J, Thies JE, Enders A, Karanja N and Neufeldt H 2015 Partitioning the contributions of biochar properties to enhanced biological nitrogen fixation in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Biology and Fertility of Soils 51, 479-491.
Guerena D, Lehmann, Walter T, Enders A, Neufeldt H, Odiwour H, Biwott H, Recha J, Shepherd K, Barrios E and Wurster C 2015 Terrestrial pyrogenic carbon export to fluvial ecosystems: lessons learned from the White Nile watershed of East Africa. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29, GB005095.
Martin ME*, Richter H*, Saha S and Angenent LT 2015 Traits of selected Clostridium strains for syngas fermentation to ethanol. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 113, 531-539.
Shah M, Deng L, Bennadji H and Fisher EM 2015 Pyrolysis of potassium-doped wood at the centimeter and sub-millimeter scales. Energy and Fuels 29, 7350-7357.
Vanek S and Lehmann J 2015 Phosphorus availability to beans via interactions between mycorrhizas and biochar. Plant and Soil 395, 105–123.
Wang B, Lehmann J, Hanley K, Hestrin R and Enders A 2015 Adsorption and desorption of ammonium by maple wood biochar as a function of oxidation and pH. Chemosphere 138, 120-126.
Bennadji H, Smith K, Serapiglia M and Fisher EM 2014 Effect of particle size on woody biomass pyrolysis under low temperature conditions. Energy and Fuels 28, 7527-7537.
Bennadji H and Fisher EM 2014 Influence of the grain direction on the low-temperature pyrolysis of large cylindrical wood particles. Chemical Engineering Transactions 37, 61-66.
Corbetta M, Frassoldati A, Bennadji H, Smith K, Serapiglia M, Gauthier G, Melkior T, Ranzi E and Fisher EM 2014 Pyrolysis of centimeter-scale woody biomass particles: kinetic modeling and experimental validation. Energy and Fuels 28, 3884-3898.
Shabangu S, Woolf D, Fisher EM, Angenent LT and Lehmann J 2014 Techno-economic assessment of biomass slow pyrolysis into different biochar and methanol concepts. Fuel 117, 742-748.
Woolf D, Lehmann J, Fisher EM and Angenent LT 2014 Biofuels from pyrolysis in perspective: trade-offs between energy yields and soil-carbon additions. Environmental Science and Technology 48, 6492-6499.
Zhao MY, Enders A and Lehmann J 2014 Short- and long-term flammability of biochars. Biomass and Bioenergy 69, 183-191.
Bennadji H, Smith K, Shabangu S, and Fisher EM 2013 Low-temperature pyrolysis of woody biomass in the thermally thick regime. Energy and Fuels 27 1453-1459.
Bennadji H, Smith K, Fisher EM. Effect of particle size and temperature on woody biomass slow pyrolysis process. presented at AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 28 October – 2 November 2013.
Corbetta M, Pierucci S, Ranzi E, Bennadji H and Fisher EM. Multistep kinetic model of biomass pyrolysis. presented at XXXVI Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Isola di Procida, 13 – 16 June 2013.
Gauthier G, Melkior T, Salvador S, Corbetta M, Frassoldati A, Pierucci S, Ranzi E, Bennadji H and Fisher EM 2013 Pyrolysis of thick biomass particles: experimental and kinetic modeling. Chemical Engineering Transactions 32, 601-606.
Gauthier G, Melkior T, Salvador S, Corbetta M, Frassoldati A, Pierucci S, Ranzi E, Bennadji H and Fisher EM 2013 Pyrolysis of thick biomass particles: experimental and kinetic modeling. presented at IChEAP, Milan 2013.
Perez J M, Richter H, Loftus SE and Angenent LT 2013 Biocatalytic reduction of short-chain carboxylic acids into their corresponding alcohols with syngas fermentation. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 110, 1066-1077.
Richter H, Martin ME and Angenent LT 2013 A two-stage continuous fermentation system for conversion of syngas into ethanol Energies 6, 3987-4000.
Richter H, Loftus SE and Angenent LT 2013 Integrating syngas fermentation with the carboxylate platform and yeast fermentation to reduce medium cost and improve biofuel productivity Environmental Technology 34, 1983-1994.
Bennadji H, Smith K, Shabangu S and Fisher EM “Experimental and modeling study of woody biomass pyrolysis at low temperatures,” accepted for presentation at the AIChE Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 28-November 2, 2012. Not presented due to weather (Hurricane Sandy).
Enders A, Hanley K, Whitman T, Joseph S, Lehmann J 2012 Characterization of biochars to evaluate recalcitrance and agronomic performance. Bioresource Technology 114, 644-653.
Woolf D and Lehmann J 2012 Modelling the long-term response to positive and negative priming of soil organic carbon by black carbon. Biogeochemistry 111, 83-95.
Bennadji H, Fisher EM, Shabangu S and Smith K. Analysis of chemical processes during pyrolysis of a single cylinder of poplar wood in a flow reactor. presented at the Fall 2011 Eastern States Meeting, The Combustion Institute, Storrs, CT, October 2011.
Hemings EB, Ranzi E, Smith K, Bennadji H and Fisher EM. Kinetic analysis of biochar formation during biomass pyrolysis. presented at the 34th Meeting of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Rome, October 2011.