About the Cornell Pyrolysis Facility

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kiln schematicThe Cornell Pyrolysis Research Facility houses a state-of-the-art continuous feed kiln that supports a high degree of control and flexible operating conditions with. The reactor is capable of a maximum 50 kg/hr throughput. Each of five heating zones is adjustable up to 600 °C. Variable in-feed and agitation speed coupled with variable inclination angle provide residence times from 9 – 45 minutes.

The kiln accepts feedstock up to 45 % ash content, 1.25 in (32 mm) particle size, and 10 % moisture.

Kiln heater, biochar bed, and syngas temperatures are continuously datalogged. Additionally, syngas can be continuously analyzed for O2, CO, CO2, CH4, and H2 from each of the five heating zones as well as downstream of the kiln.


To ensure compliance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, all biochar must comply with the IBI Standardized Testing Guidelines before it is released. These data are compiled into a sample data report to help the end user understand their biochar.

Questions? Contact: pyrolysis@cornell.edu 

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Via USDA Northeast Climate Hub: