New Cornell Pyrolysis Facility! Opening Celebration May 24, 2018


We are celebrating the opening of our new pyrolysis facility at Cornell and would like to invite you to join us for an afternoon of networking, sharing of project progress and interests, as well as planning of future collaborations in an informal way. We will bring together New York-based research groups, industry, farmers, practitioners, NGOs and anyone interested in pyrolysis bioenergy and biochar in our region.

The event will be held at the Leland Pyrolysis Facility (map) from 2-4pm on Thursday, May 24, 2018.

It includes short thank-you’s, a demonstration of the pyrolysis facility (you can take away some biochar ), space for you to show information of your research (bring a poster), your equipment or your products, and last-not-least food and beverages.

The approximate schedule is:

1-2pm: set-up of posters and exhibits

2-4pm: interactions between attendees, food, demonstration of product and equipment

3pm: short speeches

 Please use the doodle poll  to indicate whether you are coming (for more than one person open the doodle multiple times and add names) by choosing “yes”, if you plan to bring an exhibit choose “maybe” (and send an email to Akio Enders to indicate what you bring, so we can make sure to have enough poster boards and tables), and “no” if you cannot come.

Hope to see you there!